I grew up in England, Penny in Maine. We met in Maryland in 1975 and were married in North Carolina in 1982. Our mutual love of horses and an Australian Shepherd named Poco were responsible for our getting together, but that is a whole other story. This story is about...
Tantivy Farm "The Early Years".
A business proposition that involved organizing eventing competitions at the new Virginia Horse Center required a move to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, one of our most favorite parts of the world. So in April 1989, we moved and rented what our children thought was a prehistoric house, that was most definitely haunted. For a few months we looked and looked for a place to buy. Nothing was quite right including the farm with a lovely pond the first time we saw it and a huge sinkhole on our revisit. Nor was the farm that had a county road running through the middle of it attractive enough to raise two small boys.