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Our Journey
Tantivy Farm is a 54 acre tract of land in Northern Rockbridge County, Virginia.
Penny and Brian with our young sons Trevor and Andrew purchased the property in 1989 to build a peaceful home for our family, horses, ponies, dogs and cats, after being invited to Lexington to manage horse shows at the newly constructed Virginia Horse Center.
However, over the years, it gradually grew into a productive land with fruit trees, berries, vegetables, flower beds, and some lavender.
In 1965 Brian began his horse career at The Potomac Horse Center in Maryland teaching others how to ride, training horses and competing, but eventually, starting in 1985, moved into judging dressage and eventing competitions, including the 2000 Sydney Olympics and 2006 World Championships in Germany.
Penny was a student in 1975, we fell in love, and were married in 1982 and worked out of Southern Pines, N.C. We moved to Rockbridge County in 1989. Penny then spent 25+ years organizing and managing national and international horse shows and competitions throughout the country.
Between the travel and long hours, we were ready for a change.
We retired from the horse world in 2015.
In 2016, our dream of growing lavender became a reality with a field of 360 lavender plants consisting of numerous varieties, mostly shipped in from Washington State.
Then what started as a "retirement hobby" selling a few of our products and plants at the Staunton Farmers Market soon became a passion and then a business.
Our plans of planting more areas took shape as the cuttings we took from our original plants did exceptionally well in our greenhouse.
We now have five separate areas with over 1200 plants and 50+ varieties.
We also have planted several "Theme" gardens to attract pollinators and showcase our herbs, cut flowers and to give our visitors ideas for their own landscaping projects centered around lavender.
In 2018 we opened our farm to the public and have been growing and expanding each year.
Since our first "hobby" year we have added the Lavender Gift Shop located on the farm selling our wonderful line of lavender based items, which are mostly made right here in our home.
We have also opened up several hiking trails around the property, through our wildlife woods, our meadow stroll with spectacular views and to our secluded and peaceful waterfall and slowly added more picnic tables for families and friends to relax and enjoy their surroundings.
And our menagerie of friendly critters seems to expand each year!




We consider ourselves blessed to be able to bring our small piece of Heaven to everyone.
Each year has brought new ideas, new developments and, of course, new friendships.
Thank you for helping us bring this vision into a reality.

Why Tantivy Farm?
Penny and Brian both grew up with horses and met because of horses, it was only fitting to name the farm after Brian's parents sweetshop in Dulverton, Somerset, England.
Also the adjective definition of tantivy is "at a gallop" which it seems we are doing each and every day but no longer on a horse!

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