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Brian Ross
1 min read
2018 A New and Exciting Year Ahead
2017 came and went pretty darn fast. We had all sorts of plans that did not materialize such as the farm opening and keeping up to date...
Brian Ross
1 min read
Spring 2017 News
We are so excited. Aftter sending in our application for the Staunton Farmer's Market, and attending the annual meeting in January, we...
Brian Ross
1 min read
The Early Years - Part 2
Not exactly.....The mortgage would need to be paid, perhaps the boys would want to go to college so we kept working in the horse world....

One Month Away
As the title says, we are just one month away from opening up the farm and gift shop for the 2023 Lavender Year, and we are really...

Post Pandemic Musings & 2022 re-visited!
It seems like a long time since we were all told to stay home and maintain social distancing if we dared to go out in public. We thought...

Tantivy Lavender in Virginia 2018 Revisited - What a Year!
2018 was a growth year for Tantivy Farm, for those not sure what a "Tantivy" is, it was the name of my (Brian) parents candy store and...
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